Steve Zafeiriou (b. 1998, Thessaloniki, GR) is a New Media Artist, Technologist, and Founder of Saphire Labs. His practice investigates how technology can influence, shape, and occasionally distort the ways individuals perceive the external world. By employing generative algorithms, electronic circuits, and interactive installations, he examines human behavior in relation to the illusory qualities of perceived reality, inviting observers to reconsider their assumptions and interpretations.

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Interactive art installation at Steve Zafeiriou's booth during MATAROA AWARDS 2024 showcasing 'Sensorify v2.0,' featuring multi-screen digital displays, immersive visuals, and innovative artistic technology within a minimalist gallery setup.


current version: v2.0
MATAROA AWARDS 2024, Sensorify v2.0


The theme of the work revolves around a future scenario in which human communication takes place entirely through the internet. This communication expands and includes human sensations and emotions that will be digitally communicated to their recipient.

The theme reflects the dystopian manifestation of the future as physical contact will have been replaced by digitized data.

The installation presents the digitization of emotions as they are recorded in brain activity through an EEG. The digital presentation of the emotions will be projected on one screen while the digitization process takes place on the other.

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A Sony a6400 4k Camera is used to capture a collection of high-resolution photographs from multiple angles of a subject’s face, mapping every contour, wrinkle, and feature.

These images are then processed using photogrammetry to create a three-dimensional point cloud, a dense cluster of data points that replicates the unique physical landscape of the face in digital space. This point cloud serves as a visual representation of the subject, which can be digitally manipulated and visualized, making it an integral part of the installation’s exploration of digitized human emotions and interaction.

With data from an EEG headset, TouchDesigner is used to apply changes to the point cloud in real-time, reflecting the subject’s changing emotions and reactions. The resulting visualizations are then projected on the screen, offering a unique and immediate view into the digitized representation of human emotion. This interplay between the physical and digital, made possible by the technology of photogrammetry and the capabilities of TouchDesigner, is what gives the artwork its profound impact.


Title: Sensorify
Year of Creation: 2023
Technologies: Touchdesigner, Javascript, React, Three.js, Photoshop, Colmap (photogrammetry), Emotiv Brain Computer Interface (EEG)
Type: Interactive Installation
Facial Models & EEG Recording: Irene Dimakopouloou

*This Installation developed under Inspire Project 2023 at MOMus Museum of Contemporary Art.
